Sunday, November 1, 2015

Progress Report: 11/1/15

We were able to accomplish one of the most important parts of our project this week. We were able to do all of the final product research on finding the right equipment (Backyard brains) for what we are trying to accomplish with our project. We placed the order this week and we should receive the product sometime next week. We also looked into whether or not we could use the Uno board - Leonardo instead of the Uno and it turns out that we could so we are currently working on that.

We tried to figure out Matlab by downloading the actual program onto our computer but we were having trouble setting up the program on the computer and Matlab seems to think it is a proxy error so we have to look into it and/or contact MatLab

Our plan for next week includes trouble shooting MatLab, trying out the equipment assuming it is delivered and also looking more into the program for the Arduino board.

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