Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Progress Report: 11/30/15

We were having a lot of trouble getting MATLAB to work on the school computer, but we managed to download it onto one of our computers. In addition, we have figured out how to gather data on Arduino. We then plotted it using the spreadsheet application on Google Drive. The picture below is just a proof of concept to show that we can gather data. The values are a sign of strength of muscle movement, and each data point is collected every 100ms. The graph is for a very long time, being about 16 and a half seconds.

Some problems we faced this week were getting Matlab to connect to Arduino on the computer to which we downloaded Matlab. For some reason it didn't work. Another problem we encountered was understanding Matlab, as looks like we will have to gain an understanding of coding and algorithms.

The plan for us is to do isolated tests of each finger for a much shorter period of time. We will repeat a specific motion, targeting a specific muscle, and through this, hopefully we will be able to identify patterns through this approach. We also hope to gain a better understanding of how to use Matlab through tutorials. We will also try to learn some coding in Arduino, although it looks like this will not be as necessary as previously thought. We have made some progress this week, we feel, and are excited to continue.

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